Time to say goodbye to Portland

I'm realising how much this blog can't comprehend all the finer details of what made this trip so special; the normal everyday activities we got to do with Steve and Brenna, the not normal ones, the time spent with Matt and Eva, and Robbin and Mike; trips to Target and outlet malls, Ducks games on the TV, jogs by the river, chats with Robbin, Steve/John capers long overdue, car trip chats.  The beauty wasn't just in the big stuff we did, it was in the minutiae.  I'm going to miss that. Anyway... on our previous trip to downtown Portland, we discovered the existence of an old-school game arcade.  Shortly before we left we decided to check it out.

I’m realising how much this blog can’t comprehend all the finer details of what made this trip so special; the normal everyday activities that we got to do with Steve and Brenna, as well as the not normal ones.  The time spent with Matt and Eva, and Robbin and Mike; trips to Target and outlet malls, Ducks games on the TV, jogs by the river, chats with Robbin, Steve/John capers long overdue, car trip chats. The beauty wasn’t just in the big stuff we did, it was in the minutiae. I’m going to miss that.
Anyway… to move along – on our previous trip to downtown Portland, we discovered the existence of an old-school game arcade. Shortly before we left we decided to check it out.

There was, among many, Donkey Kong, Pacman, Tron, and to John's delight, Frogger.

There was, among many, Donkey Kong, Pacman, Tron, and to John’s delight, Frogger.





ooo Tetris!

ooo Tetris! Thought of you here, Dan.


Steve and Brenna and the children were unwell for our last Sunday in Portland, so John had the privilege of helping to lead the worship.  We really enjoyed SL2 (Steve and Brenna's church), the kids made some friends, and I hope we get to visit them again sometime.  It was brilliant meeting people who were important in Steve and Brenna's lives.

Steve and Brenna and the children were unwell for our last Sunday in Portland, so John had the privilege of helping to lead the worship. We really enjoyed SL2 (Steve and Brenna’s church), the kids made some friends, and I hope we get to visit them again sometime. It was brilliant meeting people who are an important part of Steve and Brenna’s lives.


Brenna's mum, Robbin, took good care of us during our stay.  And that lady can cook.  I may have withdrawal from her peanut butter cookies.

Brenna’s mum, Robbin, took good care of us during our stay. And that lady can cook. (I may have withdrawal from her peanut butter cookies.)  She introduced us to what a turkey dinner should really look like – it was SO good.  She made sure we were well catered for at all times.  On our final morning she made a beautiful breakfast to send us on our way.


Final farewell to Zoe the dog.

Final farewell to Zoe the dog.


And a sad farewell to Mike and Robbin.  You were so kind to us, and we're going to miss you!  Bless you guys.

And a sad farewell to Mike and Robbin as the Garrards, Steve, Brenna, and the children left to traverse the next leg of our trip. You were so kind to us, Mike and Robbin, and we’re going to miss you!  Thank you for everything you did for us.  You made our stay welcoming and restful, and totally enjoyable.  We won’t forget it.  Bless you guys.