Home away from home.

This is where Steve and Brenna and the children, and Brenna's parents live.  It is be-YEW-ti-ful.  Brenna's mum, Robbin,  runs a horse breeding farm.  It's been just what the doctor ordered as a place to wind down.

This is where Steve and Brenna and the children, and Brenna’s parents live. It is be-YEW-ti-ful. Brenna’s mum, Robbin, runs a horse breeding farm. It’s been just what the doctor ordered as a place to wind down.  Mike and Robbin were incredibly  kind and gracious hosts, and we are much indebted to them for allowing our tribe of six to stay with them for several weeks.


Yep - just like that.  That is exactly what that man needed to be doing.

Yep – just like that. That is exactly what that man needed to be doing.


Andy just flat out fell in love with the farm.  From just about the first moment, he was out in the barn, helping to feed the chickens and horses and collect the eggs, and whatever else needed doing.  Robbin  found herself with an extra pair of hands for a couple of weeks.

Andy just flat out fell in love with the farm.  From just about the first moment, he was out in the barn, helping to feed the chickens and horses and collect the eggs, and whatever else needed doing. Robbin found herself with an extra pair of hands for a couple of weeks.


One very curious little foal.

One very curious little foal.


Robbin allowed Andy to have temporary ownership of one of the chickens during our stay.  He picked this one, and named it 'Pretty'.

Robbin allowed Andy to have temporary ownership of one of the chickens during our stay. He picked this one, and named it ‘Pretty’.


Nate consequently decided to adopt one too, and chose this handsome rooster, naming him 'Chuck'.

Nate consequently decided to adopt one too, and chose this handsome rooster, naming him ‘Chuck’.


Just a serene spot to finally slow down - and get over jetlag.  I was surprised at how jetlagged I was.  I figured being (relatively) young and (relatively) fit that I would be over it in no time.  No siree.  My brain was cottonwool for at least a week, and I slept in and in and in.  John was able to drive by the second day, but I wasn't willing to risk my life or anyone else's attempting to drive on the opposite side of the road until I had all my marbles back in place.  Can I just say, though, that once I did  I drove like a boss.  Just saying.

Just a beautifully serene spot to finally slow down – and get over jetlag. I was surprised at how jet-lagged I was. I figured being (relatively) young and (relatively) fit that I would be over it in no time. No siree. My brain was cottonwool for at least a week, and I slept in with alarming regularity. John was able to drive by the second day, but I wasn’t willing to risk the life and limb of anyone by attempting to drive on the opposite side of the road until I had all my marbles back in place. Can I just say, though, that once I did, I drove like a boss. Just saying.