Get Yo’ Kicks

Heading off from Las Vegas proved a little more complicated than we expected.  Firstly, Steve had very responsibly taken his car to the mechanic to get his brakes checked, but the car couldn't be returned to them for a few days.  Secondly, Matty and Eva had been unwell and needed visits to the doctor, and the consequent pharmacy prescriptions took hours to be filled. (CVS - boo).  Poor Steve and Brenna had it coming at them from all sides.    Yet, they soldiered on.  Thankfully, our time was our own to command and our motel graciously allowed us a late check out.  With a very spiffy hire car procured for Mays and all prescriptions filled, we were on the road again. First stop, a peek at the very impressive Hoover Dam.

Heading off from Las Vegas proved a little more complicated than we expected. Firstly, Steve had very responsibly taken his car to the mechanic to get his brakes checked, only to find that the car couldn’t then be released to them for several days. Secondly, Matty and Eva had been unwell and needed visits to the doctor, and the consequent pharmacy prescriptions took hours to be filled. (CVS – boo). Poor Steve and Brenna had it coming at them from all sides yet they soldiered on. Thankfully, at least our time was our own to command and our motel graciously allowed us a late check out. With a very spiffy hire car procured for the Mays, and all prescriptions filled, we were on the road again. First stop, a peek at the very impressive Hoover Dam, just outside of Las Vegas.

It was fascinating from a structural point of view, especially as it had been constructed about 80 years ago, but also from a cinematic point of view.  Hoover Dam is a bit of a star in its own right.

It was fascinating from a structural point of view, especially as it had been constructed about 80 years ago, but also from a cinematic point of view. Hoover Dam is a bit of a star in its own right, in a James Bond and Transformers kind of way.

Cruising the interstate and absorbing the countryside.  The land in this area is quite dry and barren, but it has a rugged beauty all of its own.

Then, on to Arizona as we cruised the interstate and absorbed the countryside. The land in this area is quite dry and barren, but it has a rugged beauty all of its own.


Of course, there are times when it's good to get off the interstate, if only for a short time!  We spotted an opportunity to cruise a bit of Route 66 for the first time, via Seligman.  Andy, in particular, was super excited, so we had the song primed for the moment our tyres hit the bitumen.  We encountered this little gem of a cafe in Seligman.

Of course, there are times when it’s good to get off the interstate, if only for a short time! We spotted an opportunity to cruise a bit of Route 66 for the first time.  Andy, in particular, was super excited, so we had the ‘Get Your Kicks on Route 66’ song primed on the car stereo for the moment our tyres hit the famous bitumen. We encountered this little gem of a cafe in Seligman.


Then down the Mother Road.

Then down the Mother Road.  It ran parallel to the interstate for a while, and the semi-trailers trundling along Interstate 40 looked just like they were animated in Cars.

Our home for the next two nights.

Our home for the next two nights.


I totally enjoyed our time in Williams.  It's on a small stretch of Route 66, and it's pretty well like I imagined it would be.

I totally enjoyed our time in Williams. It’s on a small stretch of Route 66, and it’s pretty well like I imagined it would be.


Quaint little touristy shops everywhere...

Quaint little touristy shops everywhere…


...right down to the forlorn deserted petrol station.

…right down to the forlorn deserted petrol station. Even that had an artistic appeal.












Steve and Brenna took us out for dinner one night at Dairy Queen.  Ever since reading 'The Outsiders', I've always wondered what a Dairy Queen was like.  I have to say there was a great deal of satisfaction in sitting at the tables outside of Dairy Queen, sipping a root beer on Route 66, with our family.

Steve and Brenna took us out for dinner one night at a Dairy Queen. Ever since reading ‘The Outsiders’, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to visit one. I have to say there was a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction in sitting at tables outside of a Dairy Queen, on Route 66, on a clear evening, sipping a root beer with the family.





Brilliant end to a brilliant day.