For King and Country


While our taste in music differs as a family, For King and Country is one band that we all really like, so it was brilliant that they were performing in LA while we were there.   They’re an Australian duo who have made the USA home.



We had taken a rest day from the theme parks and spent a leisurely morning at home, watching the boys in the pool.  Later on we visited the Citadel outlet mall, and totally lost track of time.  We realised that we’d left hardly any time to get to the concert, which was about an hour’s drive away.  Petrol was low but we thought we’d make it, and we didn’t have enough time to fill up anyway.  Well, we ran out about a kilometre away from the venue. 🙂  Too funny.  John and Josh had VIP tickets which allowed them to attend a question/answer session with the band an hour before the concert, so they raced off so at least Josh could get there on time, and John could seek some fuel.  Shortly thereafter John returned with a super-nice guy who had taken John to a petrol station and returned him to where the rest of us were marooned on the median strip.  By the time the caper was all sorted out, the concert was due to start, so it was all good in the end.


The concert was packed and consequently we were slightly scattered in where we sat, but generally in the same vicinity.  The concert was so good.  For King and Country’s album was the unofficial soundtrack of our trip, which made going to the concert extra cool.



Afterwards, Josh lined up for about an hour to meet the lead singer, while the rest of us flaked out (some more than others!) and chatted to fellow concert-goers.  For the most part of our trip, we found that our accents and our being Australian held a distinct fascination for many Americans – a built-in conversation starter.