A Sunday

Our last morning in San Fran we went to the church of our friend Dave and his wife Jess.  John knew Dave through music and graphic design circles, and Steve went to school with Dave.  Afterwards, we stopped for lunch in a nearby park in Concord before heading off on the next leg of the trip - to Yosemite!!

On our last morning in San Fran we went to church with our friend Dave and his wife Jess. John knew Dave through music and graphic design circles, and Steve had gone to high school with Dave.  It was lovely to catch up with him and his family. Afterwards, we stopped for lunch in a nearby park in Concord before heading off on the next leg of the trip – to Yosemite!!

















Nate made friends with some random little girl, who was kind enough to lend him her pogo stick.

Nate made friends with a little girl at the park, who was kind enough to lend him her pogo stick.


Alas, nary a Ginormica in sight.

And then, hitting the road again. (And alas, nary a Ginormica in sight.)