Lazy days in Oregon

Farewell, winter woolies.  The weather has been gently warm since we've been here.

Farewell, winter woolies. The weather was gently warm for the whole of our stay.


Steve and Brenna have a warm water hose!  How brilliant is that?  Totally need to figure out how to manage that at home -  no more boiling kettles to pour into the freezing water of the paddle pool, even in the heat of the summer.

Steve and Brenna have a warm water hose for filling up assorted paddle pools. What a brilliant idea. This is something I need to figure out how to manage at our home.


And if the tub's not available, the sprinkler will do.

Fresh from the ‘Berra’s chilly temperatures, the ability to play in the sprinkler was a nice contrast.


And check it out!  It's a mole hill!  Okay - they're actually a real pain to Robbin and Mike, popping up in the middle of their lawn - but they were fascinating to me.  You can even feel the tunnel underground collapsing beneath your feet.

And check it out! It’s a mole hill! Okay – they’re actually a real pain to Robbin and Mike, popping up in the middle of their lawn – but they were fascinating to me. You can even feel the tunnel underground collapsing beneath your feet as you walk over the grass.  I never managed to catch a mole peeking above the ground, though.